Bishesh Manandhar
Hello, welcome to my profile!

Hello, welcome to my profile!
Soccer For Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that I created
during my sophomore year of high school. My organization collects
used soccer equipment (mainly cleats), and donates them to children
in Nepal. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, and many
children play soccer barefoot in harsh conditions. As a Nepalese soccer
player myself, I wanted to help these children and contribute to my
birth country of Nepal.
Find out more by clicking me!
Here are some of the projects I've worked on! I am a self-starter, and I want to create things that people can use in their everyday lives. I love helping people, and these projects cover a wide variety of topics such as tech, sports, health, and charity. Click on a project to find more about it!